The third element is the balance between the hormone insulin and growth hormone. People with the highest levels of the growth hormone somatotrophin (STH) live the longest.
Insulin, produced in the pancreas, is secreted to regulate the rate at which the body utilizes carbohydrates. When we consume carbohydrates (sugars and starches), insulin is released to lower the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood. Insulin also promotes the use of glucose as an energy source for the body, promotes the storage of fat and encourages the conversion of proteins to fat for storage.
Produced in the pituitary gland, STH increases the rate of protein synthesis, affects the metabolism of sodium, potassium and calcium and influences the metabolism of carbohydrates. The purpose of STH is to convert the body's available energy into bone, muscle and tissue growth.
When we are young, our bodies have a low ratio of insulin to STH so we are healthier, leaner, full of energy-and growing. The insulin encourages the body to store carbohydrates as fat while STH stimulates the burning of that fat.
Due to age and inactivity, stored carbohydrates accumulate in the form of fat. Because we are now full-grown, the hypothalamus tells the pituitary gland to release less and less STH. This causes the pancreas to produce more insulin in order to maintain proper blood sugar levels. The visible result of this hormonal imbalance is weight gain. The chronic symptoms of this imbalance is hypoglycemia. If not corrected, diabetes is the end result.
There are no surgeries that can be performed nor drugs that can be taken to maintain optimal levels of both insulin and STH.
The Scientific Health Journal is a resource and publication providing facts and findings from advanced scientific health research that is now available for health care providers and families.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Element II: Acid/alkaline Balance
The second element is the acid/alkaline balance in the body. It is monitored by measuring the "pH (the symbol for hydrogen ion concentration)" which is regulated by the body's oxygen saturation level. The body must be slightly alkaline for its cells to be properly oxygenated.
The pH scale goes from zero to 14-zero being purely acid, 14 being purely alkaline and 7 being "neutral pH."
Without exception, people with cancer have a pH below 7.0, which means their tissues, their cells, are not being properly oxygenated. This condition is called "acidosis."
People with a body pH over 7.4 do not have cancer because their cells and tissues are being properly oxygenated.
Contrary to current medical information, cancer is the easiest of all degenerative diseases to understand and is readily reversible without dangerous drugs and surgeries.
The body is constantly regulating the replacement of worn out cells while creating new cells to repair tissue damage.
"Cancerous" is the term applied to cells that reproduce in an unregulated manner until they form a tissue mass, or "tumor."
In order to create a cancerous cell in the lab, technicians simply withhold oxygen from a healthy cell and it becomes cancerous within a few hours. Conversely, supplying the cancerous cell with more oxygen than was withheld from it causes that cancerous cell to die within a few hours.
An individual cell cannot be cured of cancer; once cancerous, the cell must be destroyed.
The natural way to accomplish the feat of destroying cancer cells is exposing them to oxygen. Increasing the amount of oxygen available to the cells is accomplished by elevating body pH through diet and exercise.
In cases where elevating body pH is critical, the most alkalinizing element known to man is cesium. Daily intake of cesium, with potassium, will quickly increase body pH. It has been demonstrated that cancerous cells cannot survive in a pH of 8.0.
Once cancerous cells have been destroyed, maintaining body pH at 7.4-7.5 will prevent cells from becoming cancerous.
There are no surgeries that can be performed nor drugs taken that will restore or maintain the body's acid/alkaline balance
The pH scale goes from zero to 14-zero being purely acid, 14 being purely alkaline and 7 being "neutral pH."
Without exception, people with cancer have a pH below 7.0, which means their tissues, their cells, are not being properly oxygenated. This condition is called "acidosis."
People with a body pH over 7.4 do not have cancer because their cells and tissues are being properly oxygenated.
Contrary to current medical information, cancer is the easiest of all degenerative diseases to understand and is readily reversible without dangerous drugs and surgeries.
The body is constantly regulating the replacement of worn out cells while creating new cells to repair tissue damage.
"Cancerous" is the term applied to cells that reproduce in an unregulated manner until they form a tissue mass, or "tumor."
In order to create a cancerous cell in the lab, technicians simply withhold oxygen from a healthy cell and it becomes cancerous within a few hours. Conversely, supplying the cancerous cell with more oxygen than was withheld from it causes that cancerous cell to die within a few hours.
An individual cell cannot be cured of cancer; once cancerous, the cell must be destroyed.
The natural way to accomplish the feat of destroying cancer cells is exposing them to oxygen. Increasing the amount of oxygen available to the cells is accomplished by elevating body pH through diet and exercise.
In cases where elevating body pH is critical, the most alkalinizing element known to man is cesium. Daily intake of cesium, with potassium, will quickly increase body pH. It has been demonstrated that cancerous cells cannot survive in a pH of 8.0.
Once cancerous cells have been destroyed, maintaining body pH at 7.4-7.5 will prevent cells from becoming cancerous.
There are no surgeries that can be performed nor drugs taken that will restore or maintain the body's acid/alkaline balance
cesium carbonate,
Element I: The collagen matrix
The entire body is held together by connective tissue. Collagen is the strong, fibrous protein that serves as the building block for connective tissues-including skin, tendons, ligaments, eyes and arteries.
Collagen is like the glue that holds the body together. Collagen production is dependent upon ample supplies of ascorbates.
While most animals produce their own ascorbates from the food they eat, humans, guinea pigs, fruit bats and primates do not. Scientists believe that about 10,000 years ago humans could produce their own ascorbates.
Unless sufficient quantities of usable ascorbates are ingested daily, the collagen matrix becomes stiff and brittle: Skin wrinkles, backs ache, ligaments pull and the little sacs in the lungs get stiff-causing blood vessels and arteries to crack.
Also critical to the production of collagen are the amino acids lysine and proline. When our bodies do not have enough vitamin C, they cannot use the amino acids lysine and proline to make the proper cross links in the collagen. Like ascorbates, humans must obtain lysine from dietary sources. Our dietary intake is usually deficient in lysine. Proline can be produced by the body but usually in inadequate quantities. Lysine and proline are essential for proper collagen formation and to prevent cholesterol build-up in the form of plaque.
Symptoms caused by ascorbate deficiencies (and the body's subsequent inabilityto utilize lysine and proline) are traditionally referred to as "scurvy." The body can, for a time, manufacture enough lipoproteins from blood plasma to "patch" the vesicular/arterial cracks. The patch material is commonly called "plaque." As the plaque gets thicker, vessels and arteries can no longer flex and blood flow is restricted.
As a result, the resting heart rate increases. This condition is commonly diagnosed as "high blood pressure."
Over time, vessels and arteries can become so cracked and plaqued that people lose blood internally, eventually resulting in a heart attack.
High blood pressure, also known as hypoascorbemia, is advance warning that the host is preparing to become another heart disease statistic.
A diet rich in ascorbates can prevent scurvy and, to some extent, therapeutic doses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can reverse the deficiency and other chronic conditions created by a lack of vitamin C. But ascorbic acid is only one form of ascorbate and can cause digestive discomfort when therapeutic doses are administered.
Buffered mineral ascorbates (sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate and potassium ascorbate) can be taken daily in larger quantities without discomfort. The only substances capable of healing damaged vessels and arteries are ascorbates.
It should also be noted that the presence of buffered mineral ascorbates prevents and/or reverses the symptoms of high blood sugar, commonly referred to as "diabetes."
There are no surgical procedures to be performed nor drugs taken that will remove the plaque and heal cracked vessels and arteries.
Collagen is like the glue that holds the body together. Collagen production is dependent upon ample supplies of ascorbates.
While most animals produce their own ascorbates from the food they eat, humans, guinea pigs, fruit bats and primates do not. Scientists believe that about 10,000 years ago humans could produce their own ascorbates.
Unless sufficient quantities of usable ascorbates are ingested daily, the collagen matrix becomes stiff and brittle: Skin wrinkles, backs ache, ligaments pull and the little sacs in the lungs get stiff-causing blood vessels and arteries to crack.
Also critical to the production of collagen are the amino acids lysine and proline. When our bodies do not have enough vitamin C, they cannot use the amino acids lysine and proline to make the proper cross links in the collagen. Like ascorbates, humans must obtain lysine from dietary sources. Our dietary intake is usually deficient in lysine. Proline can be produced by the body but usually in inadequate quantities. Lysine and proline are essential for proper collagen formation and to prevent cholesterol build-up in the form of plaque.
Symptoms caused by ascorbate deficiencies (and the body's subsequent inabilityto utilize lysine and proline) are traditionally referred to as "scurvy." The body can, for a time, manufacture enough lipoproteins from blood plasma to "patch" the vesicular/arterial cracks. The patch material is commonly called "plaque." As the plaque gets thicker, vessels and arteries can no longer flex and blood flow is restricted.
As a result, the resting heart rate increases. This condition is commonly diagnosed as "high blood pressure."
Over time, vessels and arteries can become so cracked and plaqued that people lose blood internally, eventually resulting in a heart attack.
High blood pressure, also known as hypoascorbemia, is advance warning that the host is preparing to become another heart disease statistic.
A diet rich in ascorbates can prevent scurvy and, to some extent, therapeutic doses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) can reverse the deficiency and other chronic conditions created by a lack of vitamin C. But ascorbic acid is only one form of ascorbate and can cause digestive discomfort when therapeutic doses are administered.
Buffered mineral ascorbates (sodium ascorbate, calcium ascorbate and potassium ascorbate) can be taken daily in larger quantities without discomfort. The only substances capable of healing damaged vessels and arteries are ascorbates.
It should also be noted that the presence of buffered mineral ascorbates prevents and/or reverses the symptoms of high blood sugar, commonly referred to as "diabetes."
There are no surgical procedures to be performed nor drugs taken that will remove the plaque and heal cracked vessels and arteries.
collagen matrix,
heart disease,
Three Elements of Optimal Health
Our health relies on trillions of cells repeatedly performing billions of specialized functions. Though the processes and systems that animate our bodies are phenomenally complex, what the cells driving them need is simple-simple to understand and simple to provide. You are about to discover the three elements of optimal health-the collagen matrix, acid/alkaline balance and hormonal balance.
It is a well-established fact that the surest and safest defenses of the body against germs and diseases are normal blood and digestive juices and that a diminution in this bactericidal power means a 'run-down' condition of the person. It is an equally well established fact that the only sure and lasting defenses of the body against a run-down condition are good nutrition, hygiene, work and personal habits. A healthy body is self-immune. Devoting some study to the analysis and understanding of the body's means at self-immunization is fruitful of rewards. Much is known in the literature on this subject but little has been made practical. Physiologists know that normal blood and digestive juices possess chemical substances that are inimical to the life of our bacterial foes. If we can analyze the chemical changes in the blood and tissues which cause a person to get 'run down' and put him at the mercy of his bacterial foes, we surely can work out a normal beneficent method of increasing the blood's store of normal bactericidal substances. In living we produce body-acids and by eating we supply food-alkali. We are built up by foods that are made up of acid-forming and base-forming elements, and our metabolism is such that our blood is, so to speak, always on the verge of turning acid.
We are saved from that evil by the alkali in the blood and tissues which, of course, derive them from our foods. The body is a factory in which occurs an incessant mating and unmating of acid and alkaline substances. It is capable of health and survival only to the extent of understanding and heeding the mating and unmating of acid-forming and base-forming substances of the blood with the acid-forming and base-forming substances of foods. Normal alkalinity of the blood and tissues must be maintained through the foods, or disease appears. If the body is lacking in alkali it necessarily with holds from neutralization and elimination a certain amount of poisonous organic and mineral acids. We breathe air into the lungs to rob it of oxygen which is taken up by the arterial blood and carried to the tissues where the carbon is burned or oxidized. This burning of carbon yields carbonic acid, which then is returned by the venous blood to the lungs to be breathed out. The balance of the carbonic acid yielded by tissue-oxidation is neutralized in the tissues and eliminated mostly through the kidneys. The inevitable result of a retention of carbonic acid and its compounds beyond the normal quotient in the blood and tissues brings on that 'run down' which invites and underlies bacterial and other diseases. Carbonic acid and its compounds deplete the blood and tissues of their supply of alkali, and thus produce the abnormal changes which develop disease. This alkali-depleting activity is characteristic of all organic and mineral acids produced in the body. The blood and tissues are supplied through the foods with 'free' and 'fixed' bases or alkali. During the formative stage of any disease the first alkali to go are the free, and the last to go are the fixed, All tissues or organs do not yield their fixed alkali with the same ease.
The digestive cells, or the liver cells, or the brain cells may be the first to answer the blood's call for more alkali in some cases, whereas in others the kidneys or the lungs will be the first to give up their reserve of fixed alkali in order to control or check the disease. So there are really no fundamental differences between diseases. The difference is merely in the particular functional importance of the special organ or tissue subjected by the blood to the greatest drain of alkali. During the prodromal stage, say of pneumonia, there occurs an impoverishment of the patient's blood in alkali; then follows an impoverishment of the tissue-alkali more or less generally, but localizing itself more specifically in the lungs. This dilucidation of the etiology and modus operandi of diseases is accurate. It has the support of science and gives a well-defined significance to the cause and course of specific diseases. This interpretation also suggests the normal means for conferring immunity as well as for aborting and curing diseases through the alkali-bearing foods. The underlying cause of infectious diseases is, therefore, an alkali-depleted diet, and the underlying cause for failure to abort and cure infectious diseases in an alkali-depleted dietetic treatment. The evidence that this is correct is overwhelming. It has long been known that protein bases are essential components of the activated defense-yielding substances of foods, called vitamines. Foods are said to be 'nutritious' and 'non-nutritious,' according as they yield much or little nitrogenous, carbohydrate and fat substances. In keeping with this conception, foods were long ago divided into (1) Proteins, (2) Carbohydrates, (3) Fats. Fruits and green vegetables are not classified. The wonderful vitalizing acids and salts they yield are relegated to the "ash" column. Nevertheless, fruits and green vegetables yield to the blood more activating acids and bases than all nutritious foods together, and, moreover, yield them with little or no demand on digestion, absorption and assimilation. These particular acids and bases readily travel to the blood and are quickly utilized to build up and repair tissues, to promote immunity to and recovery from diseases.
All treatments must prove unsatisfactory or failures if (1) the oxygen-intake and (2) the alkali- yield are deficient.
Source: Advanced Health Plan - Autology
It is a well-established fact that the surest and safest defenses of the body against germs and diseases are normal blood and digestive juices and that a diminution in this bactericidal power means a 'run-down' condition of the person. It is an equally well established fact that the only sure and lasting defenses of the body against a run-down condition are good nutrition, hygiene, work and personal habits. A healthy body is self-immune. Devoting some study to the analysis and understanding of the body's means at self-immunization is fruitful of rewards. Much is known in the literature on this subject but little has been made practical. Physiologists know that normal blood and digestive juices possess chemical substances that are inimical to the life of our bacterial foes. If we can analyze the chemical changes in the blood and tissues which cause a person to get 'run down' and put him at the mercy of his bacterial foes, we surely can work out a normal beneficent method of increasing the blood's store of normal bactericidal substances. In living we produce body-acids and by eating we supply food-alkali. We are built up by foods that are made up of acid-forming and base-forming elements, and our metabolism is such that our blood is, so to speak, always on the verge of turning acid.
We are saved from that evil by the alkali in the blood and tissues which, of course, derive them from our foods. The body is a factory in which occurs an incessant mating and unmating of acid and alkaline substances. It is capable of health and survival only to the extent of understanding and heeding the mating and unmating of acid-forming and base-forming substances of the blood with the acid-forming and base-forming substances of foods. Normal alkalinity of the blood and tissues must be maintained through the foods, or disease appears. If the body is lacking in alkali it necessarily with holds from neutralization and elimination a certain amount of poisonous organic and mineral acids. We breathe air into the lungs to rob it of oxygen which is taken up by the arterial blood and carried to the tissues where the carbon is burned or oxidized. This burning of carbon yields carbonic acid, which then is returned by the venous blood to the lungs to be breathed out. The balance of the carbonic acid yielded by tissue-oxidation is neutralized in the tissues and eliminated mostly through the kidneys. The inevitable result of a retention of carbonic acid and its compounds beyond the normal quotient in the blood and tissues brings on that 'run down' which invites and underlies bacterial and other diseases. Carbonic acid and its compounds deplete the blood and tissues of their supply of alkali, and thus produce the abnormal changes which develop disease. This alkali-depleting activity is characteristic of all organic and mineral acids produced in the body. The blood and tissues are supplied through the foods with 'free' and 'fixed' bases or alkali. During the formative stage of any disease the first alkali to go are the free, and the last to go are the fixed, All tissues or organs do not yield their fixed alkali with the same ease.
The digestive cells, or the liver cells, or the brain cells may be the first to answer the blood's call for more alkali in some cases, whereas in others the kidneys or the lungs will be the first to give up their reserve of fixed alkali in order to control or check the disease. So there are really no fundamental differences between diseases. The difference is merely in the particular functional importance of the special organ or tissue subjected by the blood to the greatest drain of alkali. During the prodromal stage, say of pneumonia, there occurs an impoverishment of the patient's blood in alkali; then follows an impoverishment of the tissue-alkali more or less generally, but localizing itself more specifically in the lungs. This dilucidation of the etiology and modus operandi of diseases is accurate. It has the support of science and gives a well-defined significance to the cause and course of specific diseases. This interpretation also suggests the normal means for conferring immunity as well as for aborting and curing diseases through the alkali-bearing foods. The underlying cause of infectious diseases is, therefore, an alkali-depleted diet, and the underlying cause for failure to abort and cure infectious diseases in an alkali-depleted dietetic treatment. The evidence that this is correct is overwhelming. It has long been known that protein bases are essential components of the activated defense-yielding substances of foods, called vitamines. Foods are said to be 'nutritious' and 'non-nutritious,' according as they yield much or little nitrogenous, carbohydrate and fat substances. In keeping with this conception, foods were long ago divided into (1) Proteins, (2) Carbohydrates, (3) Fats. Fruits and green vegetables are not classified. The wonderful vitalizing acids and salts they yield are relegated to the "ash" column. Nevertheless, fruits and green vegetables yield to the blood more activating acids and bases than all nutritious foods together, and, moreover, yield them with little or no demand on digestion, absorption and assimilation. These particular acids and bases readily travel to the blood and are quickly utilized to build up and repair tissues, to promote immunity to and recovery from diseases.
All treatments must prove unsatisfactory or failures if (1) the oxygen-intake and (2) the alkali- yield are deficient.
Source: Advanced Health Plan - Autology
advanced scientific health,
Reversing Chronic Disease
Most people believe that genetics or bad luck gave them diseases for which the only treatments are drugs and surgeries. As a result, organized medicine will sell an estimated two-trillion-dollars worth of drugs and surgeries in 2005.
Drugs and surgeries are obviously not the solution to our medical problems; each year more, not fewer people die slowly (and expensively) from pharmaceutically and surgically-treated diseases.
Drs. Otto Warburg and Linus Pauling were awarded Nobel Prizes for pioneering simple, inexpensive protocols to prevent or reverse chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. They determined that chronic diseases develop in the presence of acidic/unoxygenated cells caused by bodily imbalances resulting from malnutrition. Simply giving the body the few nutrients it needs restores balance; oxygenation and alkalinization then follow so that real healing can begin.
The process is truly elemental. By learning how your body works and why it gets sick, you can then obtain the non-patentable vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids known to reverse disease symptoms that may have otherwise been terminal.
Once you know how your body works, you can teach others how their bodies work. Whether they know it yet or not, they are depending on you.
People can now arm themselves for the future with the knowledge from the past.
Advanced Scientific Health Research
Drugs and surgeries are obviously not the solution to our medical problems; each year more, not fewer people die slowly (and expensively) from pharmaceutically and surgically-treated diseases.
Drs. Otto Warburg and Linus Pauling were awarded Nobel Prizes for pioneering simple, inexpensive protocols to prevent or reverse chronic illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. They determined that chronic diseases develop in the presence of acidic/unoxygenated cells caused by bodily imbalances resulting from malnutrition. Simply giving the body the few nutrients it needs restores balance; oxygenation and alkalinization then follow so that real healing can begin.
The process is truly elemental. By learning how your body works and why it gets sick, you can then obtain the non-patentable vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids known to reverse disease symptoms that may have otherwise been terminal.
Once you know how your body works, you can teach others how their bodies work. Whether they know it yet or not, they are depending on you.
People can now arm themselves for the future with the knowledge from the past.
Advanced Scientific Health Research
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